Monday, April 10, 2006

Animadness 2006...

        It's a week before Easter weekend and I'm prepping for the start of a three week project. I'm joining a team of three for an animation contest that is starting this Friday, April 14th (Good Friday) to produce an original animated short (under 5 min.) I can't give out any details..even if I wanted too, cause we haven't been given the details that our story has to contain. That's part of the fun!

        I'll for sure post more about this, but probably after we've completed it and gotten it sent in by the deadline..just to make sure the idea doesn't get stolen! in the rare chance some other team comes upon my blog! ha! don't think I got that big an audience.

        Well..that's it for now. Just wanted to clue some of you readers what's going on. I'm also hoping that I will kick start my blogging with this entry. But we've said that before..haven't we!

Until laterz...

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