Wednesday, November 29, 2006

The end of the month already??

Hey readers! It's been a few weeks since I've posted and many things have happened since that post. We had our second meet of the year...We got screwed on many scores, but the girls did a good job. It's tough for our 7 and 8 year old Level 4's (the entry level we compete) to win when they are competing against 15 year old girls that are in there fourth or fifth year of Level 4. But besides that, the Watertown meet was a good first away meet for the girls. The Brookings meet is this weekend! Go All-stars!

Election Day 2006 finally arrived. Not happy with the overall voting of my states peeps, but that's par for the course! The Thanksgiving holiday came and went. It was a wonderful holiday time for me and my family. The food was wonderful and plentiful and I didn't even gain a pound...not really! And besides that, I've been swamped with the growing freelance jobs for Dakota Kid Animation. More art and updates to come!!

I pray and hope the holidays continue to be joyous for you, my readers!

Until laterz!

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