Monday, September 07, 2009

Animation Mentor: Facial Expressions

Besides the animation assignments, some weeks we also had to recreate facial expressions with the Bishop model. We had to find photos from magazines or the internet that portrayed clear expressions and then pose Bishop in those expressions. This was suppose to help us learn how to exaggerate poses and to learn how to work with the character rig to produce the desired result.

Week 402

Week 403

Week 404

Week 406

Week 407

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Came across your blog over the weekend. Keep it up. On photo in Week 406 the expression is "Oh, you got to be kidding." and you got more of "Hey...Dude.." Try lowering the jaw, raising the right eye brow, lowering the left brow, and maybe don't bring up the smile up as much. Out of 6 basic emotions, check out surprise and discuss. You got more of a dazed happy. I got a lot out of your blog and enjoyed going through it. Hope to see more.